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Use npm behind a corporate proxy

From what I understand within my several tests using npm behind a proxy. There is no simple solutions. And as most of the time, what happens behind a proxy doesn't rely on your developer skills, you must find a way to get your updates no matter what these network guys are doing. Especially if you are on Windows, forget editing any file ! Just use the NPM CLI. It is reliable and persistent. Basically, if you trust your proxy, you could just use npm config set proxy http://yourproxy:8080 npm config set https-proxy http://yourproxy:8080 Setting strict-ssl to false and using http registry instead of https could also do the trick if your proxy isn't handling https. But I wouldn't advise that. It could work flawlessly for a while then break down, like me when for any reason for instance your corporate proxy falls behind a cloud proxy (how useful …). You won't be able to do a thing and would end up with errors like : cb() never called! You'll

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